When I wrote my 12 photos in 2014 post last week, I spent a lot of time looking back over the past year, rereading old posts, and remembering things I had forgotten. I remembered some of my favorite posts that I wrote. Then, just for fun I looked at my site stats from the year to see which of my entries were viewed the most. I promise I’ll move on to current/new posts soon, but I’m not quite done reflecting on 2014 yet. Bear with me
Here is a quick recap of the five most popular posts (of those I wrote this year) and and then my five most favorite ones.
#5 Beginning at the Beginning – My Conversion Story, Part 1
This post was really hard to write. It was the first post where I shared the painful experiences that were the spark to my conversion. I debated for a long time whether to write about my first miscarriage and my husband’s vocal cord paralysis. It seems like I opened the floodgates with this post, as I’ve since written about plenty of personal experiences since.
Like I said, I opened the floodgates with the first post about my conversion, as evidenced by this post (and several others since then!). This post was basically the third part of my conversion story. So the first part and the third part ended up as two of the top five most popular posts. But the second part didn’t even make the top ten. Weird?
#3 When Your Friend is Infertile – The Dos and Don’ts
This is a post I was very hesitant to write. It rattled around in my thoughts for months before I finally felt like I just had to sit down and type it out. I think because it’s such a personal and individual issue, I was reluctant. But the response to it was amazing. I got messages from women in the combox, via email, and in person that let me know that it was a post that felt helpful to many. Based on the conversations I had after the fact, I probably did miss a few things, but I don’t think I offended anyone (at least not that I know of). I’m glad I wrote it.
This is another post I was reluctant to write, about how I felt being in the unusual position of looking pregnant, and technically being pregnant (with a non-viable pregnancy), in a room full of lots of pregnant ladies and new babies at the Edel Conference last summer. I’m sure a lot of the popularity of this post was due to Jenny sharing it on her blog Mama Needs Coffee in this post (thanks Jenny!).
#1 Why I Don’t Threaten My Kids with the “Naughty List” at Christmas
This post had more clicks in two weeks than any other post I wrote last year! I’m certain that was because Kendra from the wildly popular blog Catholic All Year shared it on her Facebook page (thanks Kendra). Again, I was unsure about whether or not I should write this one.
It’s interesting (to me at least) that so many of the posts I didn’t want to do ended up being favorites. I am often hesitant to write about topics that I think will be controversial or might offend someone. I don’t like to sound judgmental or be a downer. Maybe I should make a resolution for 2015 to just write what I feel I want or need to write and get over all the hemming and hawing about it.
On that note, I’ll move on to my top five posts. If I’m honest, most of the posts listed above, with the exception of the Santa one probably, are among some of my favorite entries. But, there are several more that were not hugely popular, that are at the top of my mental list of posts that I most enjoyed writing and like to revisit still.
#5 Come Join the Wild for a Moment – A Labor Day Party Recap
This type of post is never going to be terribly popular. I usually get a ton of hits on my Labor Day post right after I put it out there, because everyone in my husband’s huge family wants to see the photos and relive the party again. I love this post and all the memories it contains. And the photos. It’s one of my favorites to revisit.
#4 Received into Full Communion
This post about my experience of the Easter Vigil last year is another favorite to reread. I don’t want to ever forget what it was like to be baptized, confirmed, and receive first communion with my husband at my side.
#3 On Prayer and Getting it Right
About how hard it has been for me to learn how to pray and how to teach my children to pray. I really liked writing this post, and it’s something I’m still learning, and still feel uncertain about.
#2 Adoration and the Kindness of a Stranger
This was one of my favorite posts to write ever. It still makes me cry when I reread it.
#1 Untangling
My Grandma has taught me some amazing lessons in my life. This one was definitely the best. I need to reread this post at least once a month to remember that hour with my Grandma and what I learned from it.
Are there any of these that you liked? Hated? Which was your favorite??
I’m linking this up with Jenna at Call Her Happy.
Thanks for sharing! I am so excited to retread your posts!
Thanks Becca
Gosh, your posts have so much meat in them! I’m over here like, “Hey! Lipstick tips!”
I love the many talents in the blogging world
Thanks Jenna, I do too! I was excited to see your essential oils tips. I’ve been toying with getting some…
I remember and loved many of these as well. I think my favorites were the one on prayer and infertility. It has been fun to read about all aspects of your conversion story. And I agree, you should write more about what you feel without worrying about offending. You write so compassionately that even if someone disagrees, it’s hard to be offended.
PS I don’t remember Adoration and the Kindness of a Stranger, so I clicked on it to read it and it is linked to your prayer post.
Thanks, Liz. I hope life is going well with your sweet new little (big!!) one
And thanks for pointing out the incorrect link. I fixed it
Thanks for fixing it. Somehow, I hadn’t read it, so I just did. Great post!