First Day of School

I know I’m kind of behind the times and that everyone else has been doing school for at least a couple of weeks already, but I don’t care.

Today was our first day of school.

We’ve actually been doing school to some degree all summer and didn’t wrap up what I had planned to cover until right before Labor Day. So I decided to take the past two weeks off so we could celebrate an actual “back to school” day today.


When I was a kid I always liked the Back to School season. I loved shopping for new school clothes and supplies, getting assigned classes and teachers and lockers, and the actual first day of setting foot back in the building.


(No, that isn’t an error. They both said they wanted to be farmers when they grow up.)

I want my girls to have some of those same experiences even though they are home schooled. So we went “Back-to-school shopping” last week, and today they got to pick from their new “school” clothes what they wanted to wear for their special first day.

What they wore:


Bare feet are a bonus of the home school.

I also got them school ID cards with the name of our school and their names and photos on them. We have absolutely no need for these, but they were free to print and laminate and I thought the girls would get a kick out of them.

They did.


I love going back to school.

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