Then I could get up and move around, though I still had to carry the monitor with me. I put my lovely hospital-issued “track shoes” on and my husband and I got to walking.
We walked for three hours, almost nonstop. We did have to pause for a minute after each lap around the L&D floor so our nurse could monitor Sis’s heart rate, because the mobile monitor wasn’t working well while I walked. After three hours, we took a little break. I didn’t want to stop, because every time I did, my contractions, such as they were, would slow down, but we were hungry and just needed to sit for a few. So I hung out on the labor ball, my hubby got lunch and I got some Italian ice and Jello (and snuck a few of his fries), and we took a short break.
We got up and walked some more after lunch. Labor had started, in that I was having somewhat regular contractions, but they were pretty mild and my husband and I continued to joke and chat as we walked. After a bit we had to stop again for monitoring because of a deceleration in Sis’s heart rate, so I sat on the ball some more. As you can see, my labor was still not too difficult at this point.
In fact, my husband and I were lamenting how slowly things were moving and trying to gear ourselves up mentally for another really long labor like Lass’s. At 1:30 the nurse said we could get up and walk again but she wanted to check my progress first. I didn’t really want her to, because I just knew I had not progressed much, but I let her anyway because I’m cooperative like that. I was only 5cm. I had been 4cm when I started at 8am. This did not encourage me.
But things began to change rather quickly after that. We got up and walked a bit more, though I think we only made it one and a half laps or so. We were going much more slowly and I was having to stop for each contraction. The contractions were coming much more closely together and I told my husband we needed to go back to the room. When we got there I sat back on the ball and things got serious.
We weren’t joking and chatting anymore, and by about 2:30 it was all I could do to stay focused through each contraction. As he was during my labor with Lass, my husband was awesome.
I decided I wanted to try something different, so I asked to get into the tub. The nurse again said she wanted to check me before I did. I was feeling kind of discouraged and thinking I was not going to be able to continue without an epidural the way things were going if she told me I hadn’t progressed much, but I agreed to let her check me. As soon as I stood up, she almost didn’t need to. I immediately had an overwhelming, all-consuming need to push. This urge came with two conflicting but equally strong thoughts, “Oh my gosh this is pure torture!” and “Woohoo! I’m almost done!” The nurse checked me and sure enough, I was ready to get the job done. Unfortunately, the room was not set up and my doctor wasn’t there, so I had to wait a bit before I was allowed to. This was the worst part. My husband and nurse kept reminding me how to breathe to keep myself from pushing. The best thing that my husband said to me, many times during that short period of intense labor, was “This will end. Just get through this one contraction.” That was the perfectthing to say to help. Even so, it seemed to take forever (though I’m sure it was only 10 minutes or so) before everything was ready and my doctor was there. Two or three contractions later, Sis was born!
Then she peed on me.
Born at 3:06 pm. 9 lbs, 7 oz, 20 inches of gorgeous. As you can see she is just perfect.
I am going home later today after my husband gets off work. I can’t wait to see my big girls and let them meet their baby Sis. I am so thoroughly blessed.
Congrats on the new little one! She is beautiful!!
Congratulations, Amy!! She is truly gorgeous! Such a blessing! I am sure the big sisters just adore her!
Finally! Congrats and hope the transition home goes well!
Congratulations! Looks like you’ll need to change your blog header photo.
Congratulations! That is an amazing birth story! Doctors are never ready when you need them, I had to wait with 2 out of 3 of my deliveries! She is perfect!
Congratulations!!! She is perfect! That is an amazing birth story. It’s funny, doctors are never ready when you need them. I had to wait on our doctor for 2 out of my 3 deliveries!
Congratulations!! So beautiful!!