Fall is here and it’s gorgeous.
We have to enjoy every minute of it here, before winter arrives with a vengeance. So today the girls and I went to an apple orchard and pumpkin patch farm called The Little Farmer. It was a beautiful place with lots for Miss to see and do.
We got all ready to go this morning, which took the better part of three hours to do. Miss had pigtails again to start the day. They fell out on the way to the farm, but I had to include some photos of them anyway.

When we got to the farm we found wagons to use for toting pumpkins and apples. And little girls of course. Miss quite enjoyed her first wagon ride.

She saw goats and chickens and kept saying she wanted to touch them, but then chickened out when I tried to help her do so.

They didn’t have a big selection of food, so we had pumpkin and apple muffins for lunch and Miss tried apple cider for the first time. She loved it.
Speaking of nice strangers, after we got all our pumpkins in our wagon and a “peck” of apples, there was no more room for Miss in there. So I was heading back to the truck with Lass in her wrap, carrying Miss on my hip and pulling a very heavy wagon of pumpkins and apples when an older woman stopped and asked if she could help me. I thanked her and said I was just heading to my car, thinking she wouldn’t want to walk all the way back to the parking lot, but she promptly took the handle of the wagon and told her family she’d meet them on the playground. Then she walked all the way to my car with me and helped me load the apples and pumpkins in the car!! I kept thanking her profusely, and the last time I said, “Thank you so much, I really appreciate this,” she looked me right in the eye and smiled and said, “I know you do. I’ve been there.” And then she walked away, dragging my wagon behind her to return it to where I had gotten it. Such a random act of kindness, and it really was a great ending to a wonderful outing with my girls.
soo fun!! We are going there tomorrow and I’m so excited! I got tears in my eyes when I read about that woman, people like that really make life easier