Answer Me This – Yes, I Am Becoming My Mother

Today I’m doing another link up. This time, Answer Me This with Kendra from Catholic All Year. Six questions from her. Six answers from me. Go.

1. Are you becoming your mother?

Yes, pretty much. I find myself saying things quite often that cause me to shake my head and say, “Whoa. I sound just like my Mom.” For instance, I use words like “Thingamabob” and “Do-hickey.” I use the phrase “Look with your eyes, not with your hands” (oh, the flashbacks of loooong days trudging through antique fairs).


I sing the tickle song that she made up when I was a kid. In the same voice that she used when she sang it. I’m picky about how I load my dishwasher. And how I fold my laundry. Yeah. I’m becoming my mother.

2. Coffee or tea?

Oh, coffee most definitely. My favorite time of the day is when I wake up before anyone else and enjoy my hot coffee while reading and/or writing.


I used to make myself a mocha every morning, with chocolate and frothed milk and everything. But I decided I probably ought not have dessert for breakfast every day, so I ditched the chocolate. Then I gave up dairy for a while and started using almond milk. Then I wanted to get rid of the chemical sweetener, so I switched from Splenda to maple syrup. So now I have a light-roast coffee, brewed in my Keurig, with a little bit of maple syrup and almond milk. Yum.

3. What foreign country would you like to visit?

Can I just say all of them? No? Okay. First on my list is Italy.

My great-grandfather came to this country from Italy as a boy. He couldn’t speak English when he came here, and he worked in the coal mines in West Virginia. I never knew him, but I’d love to see where he came from.

Plus, Pope Francis is there! The Colosseum! The food! The wine!

4. Do you cry easily?

Hmmm. I don’t think I cry easily. I used to sort of. I went through a phase when I cried every time I got really mad. Which was incredibly annoying. Imagine being super angry at a jerk-face supervisor at work, and trying to talk to your boss about it, and starting to cry!! Utterly humiliating. Fortunately (or not?) for me, my boss at the job where I mostly had this problem was also a crier. And I used to be a psychologist, so crying was never really judged. But, oh I hated that I used to do that. Also, I have a horrid cry-face. Ugly.

Thankfully I no longer seem to have that problem. Maybe it’s because I don’t work in a prison with lots of crazy psychologists inmates anymore?

5. How often do you wear heels?

Pretty frequently. I wear heels to church every week. And often during the rest of the week I wear boots with a heel (in winter) or wedges (in summer). I do have a love for my Danskos and flip flops though.

6. Do you play an instrument?

No. I played the flute in sixth grade. And my husband bought me a guitar during the first year we were dating. I took lessons and learned to play a bit, but never got to the point of being really good at it. I played the bass a tiny bit on a few super easy songs at our Labor Day party one year, when a few people were missing and no one else could do it.


I have this fantasy that I’m going to learn to play the piano along with my children. I’m really good at playing quarter notes on keys that are all located next to each other.


To see how others answered these questions, check out the link up HERE.

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